Step and Touch Voltages and Grounding Potential Rise (IEEE and IEC)

Step and Touch Voltages and Grounding Potential Rise (IEEE and IEC)

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2969-6.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores set and touch voltages and grounding potential rice (IEEE and IEC). This includes safety criteria according to IEEE standards, step and touch voltage criteria, reduction factor, simplified equations for mesh and step voltage, application of step and mesh potential in safe earthing system design, Safety Criteria-IEC 479-1 std, permissible touch and step voltage IEC 479-1, optimum compression ratio (OCR), test and verify, approximated analysis to calculate voltage profile using apparent soil resistivity, scaling factor, test and verify the approximated method, and ground potential rise (GPR) of faulty substations having equal and unequal spacing grounding grids conductors.
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