STEP-NC to Complete Product Development Chain

STEP-NC to Complete Product Development Chain

Xun W. Xu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-684-6.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter addresses the issue of product development chain from the perspective of data modeling and streamlining. The focus is on an emerging ISO standard, informally known as STEP-NC, and how it may close the gap between design and manufacturing for a complete, integrated product development environment. This new standard defines a new generation of NC programming language and is fully compliant with STEP. There is a whole suite of implementation methods one may utilize for development purposes. STEP-NC brings richer information to the numerically-controlled machine tools; hence, intelligent machining and control are made possible. Its Web-enabled feature gives an additional dimension in that e-manufacturing can be readily supported. A case study toward the end demonstrates a STEP compliant, Web-enabled manufacturing system.

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