Strategic Development of Responsible Warehousing with Safety Partnership

Strategic Development of Responsible Warehousing with Safety Partnership

Lilis Surienty, Hui-Nee Auyong, Suhaiza Zailani
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9795-9.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Occupational safety and health (OSH) issues have become a major concern to many corporations in Malaysia since the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. While safety management system has been researched, only limited literatures have given attention to warehousing. The development of effective partnerships between customers and vendors to identify opportunities for enhancing safety management system. Employee safety behaviour in the workplace is crucial in approaching towards safety compliance and safety performance indicators. The main objective was to test the safety behaviour of the workers. Data were collected throughout the warehousing processes of a multinational electronics manufacturer in Malaysia. A questionnaire has been filled-up by the warehousing employees. This study proposes the theory of planned behaviour were to explain the linkage between customer - vendor partnership and safety behaviour. Respondents were questioned partnership with its customers to systematically improve safety behaviour. Usually most of the occupational accident or disease took place in the material handling operations and activities with cargo interface. The findings of this study show that customer-vendor partnership has a significant and positive relationship on safety behaviour. This approach to be examined for improved safety ownership and the possibility that enhancements would become an essential part of the vendor's processes, systems, and culture. This customer-vendor partnership approach will develop safety improvements for next heights of success. SPSS was applied for processing the data. It was found that information dissemination and collaboration with the client are important. Employees should participate in the safety program as required by the clients so as to obtain the merits of high performance workforce.
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The effectiveness of a safety management system depends on to what extent employees understand and accept the safety management system. Only through a systematic safety management system that is accepted by all employees can an organisation effectively eliminate workplace injuries. Without knowing how well employees subscribe to the organisation’s safety management system, the aim to eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health (OSH) related injuries will not successful. Occupational safety and health should be able to influence behavioural changes among employees and bring the effort of both employers and employees together to manage an organisation’s safety management system. The employee safety behaviour also gives impacts to organisational safety performance. In this study which will be concentrated on customer-vendor relationship as main factor that will influence safety behaviour in the workplace.

According to the Labour Force Survey Report Malaysia (DOS, 2013), by 2012, they were 12.723 million employed persons. The number of employed persons data show that the manufacturing sector employs 2.228 million persons (17.5%), agriculture, forestry & fishing sector employs 1,602 million persons (12.6%), construction sector employs 1.164 million persons (9.1%), and Transport, Storage and Communications sector employs 0.624 million persons (4.9%) of the work force (Table 1).

Table 1.
Number and percentage distribution of employed persons by industry, Malaysia, 2010, 2011 and 2012
Agriculture, forestry & fishing  1,614.913.61,410.011.51,601.712.6
Mining & Quarrying  57.20.576.00.680.60.6
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply55.50.551.60.462.10.5
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities66.70.670.80.680.40.6
- Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles1887.815.91,999.516.32,116.016.6
-Transportation & Storage554.74.7605.24.9624.04.9
- Accommodation and food and beverage service activities856.77.2942.37.7957.07.5
- Information and communication178.91.5207.61.7209.21.6
- Financial and insurance/takaful activities323.42.7317.62.6322.92.5
- Real estate activities58.50.561.20.569.00.5
- Professional, scientific and technical activities285.62.4329.02.7307.82.4
- Administrative and support service activities359.23.0448.93.7530.94.2
- Public administration and defence; compulsory social security787.76.6749.06.1697.65.5
- Education779.36.5785.06.4786.26.2
- Human health and social work activities280.02.4382.53.1414.83.3
-Arts, entertainment and recreation91.60.886.40.784.40.7
- Other service activities182.91.5181.51.5190.21.5
Activities of households as employers285.42.4222.51.8194.61.5
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies2.

Source: Labour Force Survey Report Malaysia 2012 (Department of Statistics)

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