Plan: How can an IT strategic planning effort yield a business-oriented prioritized service portfolio with business benefits?
Act: How is the plan deployed and executed? How does the handling of non-routine Requests provide a strategic advantage? How can hierarchical organizations address the challenge of increasingly non-routine responses that demand networked solutions?
Monitor: What were the measured results?
Analyze: What strategic advantages did the organization achieve towards its mission?
How was the Co-engineering method applied leading to the citizen-aligned IT strategic plan?
How was the triage-based assignment of agents (across organizations, applications, and processes) enable more dynamic adaptation to non-routine Requests and a networking of organizations?
Historically, strategic planning for the CIO has meant discerning the business’s strategy and then trying to achieve it. Today ... the CIO’s role cannot be reactive...The CIO has the capability to see where the basis for competition will be. That is not to say that CIOs should write their IT strategy independently and then attempt to force the business strategy to match it. Rather, the point is that both the business plan and the IT plan should be written collaboratively by the entire executive team, including the CIO.b
In the following sub-sections we cover how the ACE framework advances these ideas by a strategic planning and execution process. That is, how do we develop a strategic plan that defines and achieves a future state that can be fundamentally enabled by IT?
The illustrative Strategic Planning and Co-engineering of BioS is based on a major US City. The insights here are, at the same time, applicable to all types of private and public organizations that provide services.
In this section we will illustrate the Co-engineering cycle starting with the Plan and Act step leading to the Monitor and Analyze steps in the next section.