Strategies of Transference to Translate Promotional Guides From the Business Tourist Sector

Strategies of Transference to Translate Promotional Guides From the Business Tourist Sector

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0142-9.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The aim of this chapter is to present a proposal of transference strategies in order to identify and describe, from a translation point of view, the most frequently used strategies in the translation of the guidebooks from the business tourist sector. This will be very useful to compare communication features between English and Spanish and to ultimately enhance translation practice. The term that the authors will use to designate the translator's performance when faced with the translation of lexical elements of the promotional guides of the business tourism sector will be “transfer strategy.” The choice of this term lies mainly in the fact that most of the authors of the existing literature relate the term “strategy” to “problem.” On the other hand, the use of the term “strategy” instead of “operation” lies in the commonness of the term. The authors believe that the term “transfer strategy” is the one that best reflects the solutions that must be taken during the translation task of these promotional guides.
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Grammatical Transference Strategies

  • Grammatical Replacement: The replacement of one grammatical unit of the ST by another unit in the TT which belongs to the same grammar category.

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      Voice Replacement: Replacement of the active voice of the ST by the passive voice in the TT, or vice versa.

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      Verb Tense Replacement: Replacement of the verb tense of the ST by another different one in the TT.

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      Mode Replacement: Replacement of the mode of the verb of the ST by another one in the TT.

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      Type of Phrase Replacement: Replacement of the type of phrase of the ST by another one in the TT.

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      Type of Sentence Replacement: Replacement of the type of sentence included in the ST by another one in the TT.

  • Grammatical Omission: Omission of an element included in the ST.

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      Verb Omission: Omission of the verb in the TT.

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      Type of Phrase Omission: Omission of the type of phrase in the TT.

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      Subject Omission: Omission of the subject in the TT.

  • Grammatical Division: Increase on the number of grammatical units in the TT, compared to those included in the ST.

  • Grammatical Addition: Addition of grammatical units in the TT, which do not appear in the ST.

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      Verb Addition: Addition of verbs in the TT.

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      Phrase Addition: Addition of phrases in the TT.

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      Subject Addition: Addition of subjects in the TT.

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      Sentence Addition: Addition of sentences in the TT.

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