Student Mobility in Higher Education Explained by Cultural and Technological Awareness in Taiwan

Student Mobility in Higher Education Explained by Cultural and Technological Awareness in Taiwan

Dian-Fu Chang
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5876-9.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores the factors that might influence the intention to study abroad and determines which requirement can be used to attract international students. Fuzzy statistics was used to determine the influencing factors related to student mobility in terms of outbound and inbound study. Exploring students' intentions to study abroad and their readiness may provide a better conception on the issue. The result reveals that study abroad is a better choice for many college students. Since the government provided a menu driven program for universities, various universities have been found to enhance their learning programs to attract more international students. The findings suggest that maintaining cheaper tuition, enhancing culture-related programs, and providing good environment and equipment will attract more international students. However, the factors influencing the international students coming vary in different countries.
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2. Global Context Of Student Mobility

For many international students, seeking better education for their future career development is a main reason. The trend is clear, there are increasing students selected their studying abroad. According to UNESCO report, global student mobility mirrors to a great extent inter- and intra-regional migration patterns. The growth in the internationalization of tertiary enrolment in OECD countries, and the high proportion of intra-regional student mobility show the growing importance of regional mobility over global mobility. Furthermore, student flows in European countries and in Eastern Asia and Oceania, tend to reflect the evolution of geopolitical areas (UNESCO, 2009). Therefore, how to attract students abroad has become an important strategy selection for many countries.

Bhandari and Blumenthal claimed, with 3.3 million students currently studying outside their home country, global student mobility (or the migration of students across borders for higher education) is a burgeoning phenomenon that affects countries and their academic systems (Bhandari & Blumenthal, 2011). The number of foreign students increased during 2000 to 2009, from 2.1 to 3.7 million students, which is a growth of 77%. Consequently, the proportion of foreign students among all tertiary students grew by 7% in the same period in the world. Some 83% of all foreign students are enrolled in G20 countries, while 77% of all foreign students are enrolled in OECD countries. These proportions have remained stable during the past decade (OECD, 2011). Most countries currently view international academic mobility and educational exchange as critical components for sharing knowledge, building intellectual capital, and remaining competitive in a globalizing world.

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