Student Perceptions of Value and the Impact on Curriculum Design: A Case Study

Student Perceptions of Value and the Impact on Curriculum Design: A Case Study

Hélène de Burgh-Woodman
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0420-8.ch050
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This research adopts a case study approach to interrogate key questions regarding how curriculum design, assessment and delivery impacts on student perceptions of overall value relative to their job readiness. The initial research question to be answered in this study is how can shifts in curriculum design and assessment affect student perceptions of value? The method uses a case study and adapts Brookfield's multiple source approach, which enables the examination of the case study from multiple perspectives. The objective of the case study is to draw out the implications for understandings of student perceptions of value and how curriculum design can enhance this sense of value.
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The conceptual framework commences with an account of current understandings of the positioning of students within the contemporary higher education environment. Drawing on some of the literature on the role of the modern university, this section maps this shift. The second conceptual frame is developed around the perception of value in an effort to define what is meant by the term value, or more specifically, “good value.” The further point covered is the subsequent issue of assessment as connected to this overarching question of student perceptions of value and their expectations.

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