Studying the Effects of Internet of Things (IoT) Wearables on People's Awareness of Their Own Health

Studying the Effects of Internet of Things (IoT) Wearables on People's Awareness of Their Own Health

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3406-5.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Internet of things (IoT) devices and contributions will advance healthcare to a more aware age while saving time and lives with extreme precision. Remote healthcare expansion spurs Wi-Fi gadget development. Next-generation emergency room prototypes can already assess patients' overall health. The study analyzes rural India's healthcare situation and suggests the “rural smart healthcare system” (RSHS) for seniors. IoT technology permits intercommunication and may notify the clinic personnel based solely on the patient's vitals. The healthcare industry becomes more efficient, cheaper, and better at patient care. Modern technology includes milestone healthcare technology breakthroughs that lead to cloud computing and big data. Volume, diversity, speed, and authenticity define cloud computing.
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Cloud computing and IoT are hot topics among academics and engineers working on better linked devices and goods. Emerging embedded healthcare gadgets allow global access to records. Healthcare companies construct a strong future with constant engineering. They are personally connected to global Internet-connected data-generating equipment. Healthcare outcomes are the goal of hospitals, clinics, and fitness centers worldwide. Healthcare and IoT foster clinical service innovation, value reduction, accuracy improvement, and population coverage. Big data analysis has become a priority for healthcare stakeholders instead of automated scientific systems and medical record digitization. Cloud data may help healthcare institutions outfit doctors with advanced equipment. IoT healthcare devices capture medical data via signals and photos. For correct diagnosis, IoT cloud computing must be evaluated. This provides healthcare businesses with accurate data for population fitness management.

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