Supply Chain (SC) Network Optimization: Introductory Concepts for Medium-Sized Enterprises

Supply Chain (SC) Network Optimization: Introductory Concepts for Medium-Sized Enterprises

Canser Bilir
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5784-5.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Supply chain network design and optimization is one of the most important strategic decisions that an organization has to make. SC network design decisions are strategic-level SC decisions because they have long-lasting effect on the firms' supply chain performance and the decisions cannot be changed in a short period. In this chapter, the author aims to introduce the concept of SC network optimization to the managers of medium-sized enterprises. The chapter also explains the importance of the SC network optimization studies, educates readers about how they can benefit from the concept, and tries to show how the implementation of SC network optimization/design will improve the competitiveness of these organizations. The readers are also guided through the four steps of SC network optimization process. Finally, the chapter provides a brief review of the SC network optimization literature and proposes future research directions.
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Supply Chain Management And Decisions

Before getting into the details of the SC network modeling and its literature, a brief description of the SC Management and SC decisions is presented.

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