Sustain or Perish: A Simple Choice – Collective Action for Sustainability, Not Wishful Thinking

Sustain or Perish: A Simple Choice – Collective Action for Sustainability, Not Wishful Thinking

Vishwas Gupta, Amit M. Bhattacharya
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7951-0.ch004
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Without being negative or cursing the flight of capitalism and technology, this chapter endeavors to record and analyze a few recent issues and their impact on human existence and suggests some simple measures that might restructure value-based consumption-production patterns to ensure livable conditions and sustainability for the seven billion people and the next generations on this beautiful planet Earth until the next ice age hits. Mankind is left with no alternative but rectifying the partially ‘corrupted' portion of ‘mind-ware' and reshaping the man-nature relationship for real survival and growth.
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Till date, homo - sapiens is a natural creature and hence, Man - Nature relationship is inseparable. If, in the next few decades designer babies are produced enemas in laboratories like currency notes and their life and living gets programmed by Artificial Intelligence; the issue of ‘Reimagining Man - Nature relationship will become more complex provided, the mankind may reach up to that future with its present self - destructive activities. The human civilization is in deep trouble since the invention of steam - power as civilization is continuously threatened by three of its in - built frenemies i.e., ‘greed’, ‘intelligence’, and ‘curiosity’ which is capable of transforming known and unknown natural resources into various tangible and intangible things. While, on the one hand, this intelligence and curiosity has minimized physical toil and drudgery; the greed has rapidly pushed the flora - fauna system to the verge of extinction on the other hand. The interplay of skewed perception of ‘growth and ‘development’ is continuously repositioning the mankind against the Laws of Nature because ever - inflating human Ego has waged a war to exploit Nature’s last unit of resources and for taming its infinite forces to its ‘Greed’. The issue of “re - imagining man - nature relationship” has arisen as global concern because mankind is experiencing unbearable pressure and discomfort in its efforts for peaceful sustenance. In the frantic pursuit of wealth creation; not only the man - nature relationship is becoming extremely vitiated but also its social and emotional relationship is in regular jeopardy.

Mathematics, though basically based on postulates, establish that ‘minus into minus results into plus.’ A philosophical interpretation might be when someone achieves a ‘positive’ thing; one has to accept two in - built ‘negatives’ and that too, in a multiplied form. Strangely, Mathematics to manoeuvrability, physics to philosophy, physicality to spirituality all function with the objective of providing ‘betterment of life and living for mankind.’

Some leading scientists have perceived the human mind like ‘software’ embedded in ‘hardware’ of physique existing within a given Natural ecosystem. The ‘software’ is getting progressively ‘corrupted’ due to greed - based acts and risking its own hardware resulting from ‘Egocentricism.’ Without being negative or cursing the flight of Capitalism and Technology, this paper endeavours to record and analyse few recent issues and its impact on human existence and suggests some simple measures that might re - structure value - based consumption - production pattern to ensure liveable conditions and sustainability for the 7 billion people and the next generations on this beautiful planet Earth until next ice - age hits. Mankind is left with no alternative but rectifying partially ‘corrupted’ portion of ‘mind - ware’ and re - shaping the man - nature relationship for real survival and growth.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Laws of Nature: Nature supports human being only if humans support the nature. If human beings do not follow the rules of nature, we have to see so many unorthodox changes in nature which may not be favourable to human beings.

Carbon Footprint: It is the sum amount of all the greenhouse gases including carbon - di - oxide and methane emitted by a person or a company or any action in a year.

Ego-Centricity: When people are unable to understand the other’s perspective. This may happen due to innate nature of due to recklessness. Sometimes people can’t differentiate self and other problems.

Frenemies: A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A person pretends to be as your friend but actually he may harm you in future.

Greed: Mankind is becoming more and more materialistic. There is no limit of wants and desires of people. They are ready to harness the nature to any limit to fulfil their desires.

Mass Extinction: If any living organism or species do not follow the laws of nature may lead to the mass extinction of that organism.

Restructure: The healing of nature is need of hour. The mankind has to think to restructure those all alterations done to nature.

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