Sustainable Education Through Government Schemes for Educational Attainment and Development: Empirical Evidence From Rural India

Sustainable Education Through Government Schemes for Educational Attainment and Development: Empirical Evidence From Rural India

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5673-9.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Sustainability in education is an integral part of the social empowerment of the people, which involves active enrolment and participation in school education. The literacy rate in India has consistently increased over the last few decades, it was 61.01 per cent in 2001, which increased by 12.79 per cent. Further, the literacy rate grew by 62.75 per cent in 2006, which records a 1.74 per cent increase compared to the 2001 figure. Again, the rate improved to 69.3 per cent in the year 2011, with a growth of 6.55 per cent compared to 2006 data. . The Jawahar Novodaya Vidyalaya is run by the union government except the state of Tamil Nadu to provide quality and free education to the rural poor. Educational schemes like Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan also enhanced educational attainment in rural India. Similarly, the mid-day meal scheme also made a great difference among India's disadvantaged sections of society. Around 9.12 crore school students have benefitted from nutritious food.
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