A Symbiotic Model for Information Systems Success Determination

A Symbiotic Model for Information Systems Success Determination

Kieren Jamieson
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0170-3.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Traditional approaches to identifying and measuring Information Systems success or failure typically suffer from two deficiencies. First, the measures are taken at a single point in time, usually shortly after the system adoption with a focus on the implementation “success.” Second, the focus is purely on the organisational net gain or loss. The organisation is treated as a single entity, and the Information System itself is relegated to a subservient cog. The power relationship between the organisation and the Information System is left unexplored: in other words, which entity controls the other? This chapter proposes and demonstrates an alternate categorisation model that addresses both deficiencies. The model is applied to a longitudinal study of an implementation of an enterprise system in order to both categorise and explain the outcomes for the host organisation.
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While this chapter examines an enterprise system implementation, the focus of the model is broader information system success and failure. Even so, this section provides a brief discussion of enterprise system technology, moving to a broader examination of organisational issues associated with information system adoption and use. The section concludes with a discussion of extant information system success and failure measures and why there is a need to study theses systems over a longer period of time in order to be able to reach conclusions about their organisational effects.

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