Tackling Depression Detection With Deep Learning: A Hybrid Model

Tackling Depression Detection With Deep Learning: A Hybrid Model

N. Bala Krishna, Reddy Sai Vikas Reddy, M. Likhith, N. Lasya Priya
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3679-3.ch006
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Traditionally, PHQ scores and patient interviews were used to diagnose depression; however, the accuracy of these measures is quite low. In this work, a hybrid model that primarily integrates textual and audio aspects of patient answers is proposed. Using the DAIC-WoZ database, behavioral traits of depressed patients are studied. The proposed method is comprised of three parts: a textual ConvNets model that is trained solely on textual features; an audio CNN model that is trained solely on audio features; and a hybrid model that combines textual and audio features and uses LSTM algorithms. The suggested study also makes use of the Bi-LSTM model, an enhanced variant of the LSTM model. The findings indicate that deep learning is a more effective method for detecting depression, with textual CNN models having 92% of accuracy and audio CNN models having 98% of accuracy. Textual CNN loss is 0.2 while audio CNN loss is 0.1. These findings demonstrate the efficacy of audio CNN as a depression detection model. When compared to the textual ConvNets model, it performs better.
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2. Literature Review

Depression, a pervasive mental health disorder with profound societal and individual consequences, necessitates early detection for timely intervention and effective treatment.

2.1. Deep Learning Approaches

Recent investigations have delved into the efficacy of deep learning models in capturing intricate patterns associated with depression. The work by Aswathy (2019) and Hemanth (2019) introduced innovative deep learning approaches for depression detection on Twitter, showcasing improved performance compared to traditional ML methods.

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