Tangible User Interfaces as Mediating Tools within Adaptive Educational Environments

Tangible User Interfaces as Mediating Tools within Adaptive Educational Environments

Daria Loi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-991-9.ch088
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter proposes that, as approaches to human computer interaction (HCI), tangible user interfaces (TUIs) can scaffold rich classroom experiences if they are coupled and generated within multi-pedagogical frameworks that adopt concepts such as Multimodality, Multisensoriality, and Multiliteracies. It overviews some necessary conditions for these tools to be effective, arguing that tangible user interfaces and multi-pedagogies are efficient when they are conceptualized as part of adaptive educational environments—teaching and learning ecologies where learners and teachers are seen as co-creators of content and of new ways of interacting with such content.

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