Technology Adoption for Addressing Precarious Youth Employment Issue

Technology Adoption for Addressing Precarious Youth Employment Issue

Azizul Hassan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0437-6.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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This study critically analyzes precarious youth employment in Bangladesh having a specific focus on her tourism industry. Traditionally, the tourism economy of Bangladesh is considered as promising. This research arguably identifies the tourism industry of Bangladesh encouraging conceptual precarious youth employment. From theoretical perspective, this chapter addresses the Theory of Scientific Management of Frederick Taylor (1911) and the Systems Theory of Dunlop (1958) in this context. This conceptual study understands precarious youth employment in the Bangladesh tourism and relates relevance of the two theories mentioned. Based on arguments, this study outlines the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a latent option to minimize issues generated from precarious youth employment. An in-depth analysis offers policy suggestions for the betterment of youth employment in the Bangladesh tourism industry.
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The study follows general desk research to collect information and data from internet and library sources. An extensive literature review was performed on the thematic areas including but not limited to areas of precarious job situations, youth unemployment, ethics in workplace, the Theory of Scientific Management of Frederick Taylor (1911), the Systems Theory Dunlop (1958) as relevant theories of this study, information and communication technology (ICT) and policy suggestions. An exercise of scoping with the exploration of key issues and aspects of the research was made to get tourism sector based data on the economic situation and precarious youth employment situation in the identified country of Bangladesh. The research was conducted to collect official data and statistics from the governmental and non-governmental agencies responsible for the tourism sector of Bangladesh. There was a combination of intensive literature reviews followed by personal available information collection on targeted governmental agencies, travel and tourism business owners, current employees, stakeholders and general youth job seekers. Literature based information was also accessed through the use of libraries. In addition, a thorough search on the internet was also carried out. The attempt was clear to avoid complexities of data reliability and duplication carefully.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Precarious: Precarious is something that is dangerous for collapsing or falling and insecurely positioned.

Technology: Scientific knowledge application to meet practical purposes of both of the humans and the industry.

Precarious Employment: The type of employment for the youth that is unsecured, uncertain, unguaranteed and dangerous.

The Theory of Scientific Management: The theory is also known as Taylorism that is proposed by Frederick Taylor (1911) AU28: The in-text citation "Frederick Taylor (1911)" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. . This management theory is concerned with both analyzing and synthesizing workflows.

ICT: Information and communication technology that is literally related to computer technology. AU27: Reference appears to be out of alphabetical order. Please check

The System Theory: The theory is proposed by Dunlop (1958) that studies phenomena’s abstract organization, their substance type, temporal or spatial scale of existence or independence.

Youth: The time span of human life between childhood and adult age.

Tourism: The voluntary and temporary movement of people from one place to another for leisure or recreational purpose.

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