If the definition of CRM is not consensual, the model for incorporating or analyzing the concept within an organization is also not. In this chapter, considering the ‘Six-Dimensional Model CRM Strategy', which integrates 65 critical success factors, the authors analyze how these manifest themselves in an organization. Thus, the case studied is presented and described following the six dimensions (CRM strategy formulation, relational marketing philosophy, best practices, organizational and human resources, CRM processes, CRM technology) and also synthesizes in a table how the company analyzed reacted to critical success factors.
TopSetting The Stage
The concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is not consensual. For some authors, CRM is a tool, for others it is a set of business processes oriented to the management of customer experiences. Although there are different definitions of CRM, some have conceptual similarities. The number of definitions has been increasing, but we can find two trends: a narrower or broader view.
For Santos and Castelo (2018), CRM must be understood with a broad scope, “CRM is a strategy whose design is based on a formulation according to a certain model of relationship, one influenced by the benefits that one can get; and one having a philosophy with relationship marketing influences” (p. 33). So, it's not just a set of tactics, or simply a reductionist perspective of technology
Key Terms in this Chapter
Best Practice Dimension: Encompasses the methods or techniques, which efficiently and effectively enables higher-level results compared to other means.
CRM: A customer-oriented strategy with two-dimensional conceptualization (formulation and relational marketing philosophy) and a four-dimensional operation (application of best practices, organizational and human resources, CRM processes, CRM technology).
CRM Dimensions: Groups a set of critical success factors that have an affinity with each other in the adoption of the CRM strategy.
Strategy: Planned and sustained way of achieving medium/long-term objectives.
Organizational and Human Resources Dimension: Dimension that groups the critical success factors related to how the organization is structured and aspects related to employees of the organization.
Relationship Marketing Philosophy Dimension: It encompasses basic aspects advocated by relational marketing that seek to support the connection to the client.
Technology Dimension: Includes factors to consider when choosing and using CRM technologies.
CRM Strategy Formulation Dimension: Incorporates the form with CRM will be internalized by the organization.
Process Dimension: Set of structured work activities that produce business results defined for customers and aiming to add value.