The Demand of Employable Soft Skills for the IT Industry: An Empirical Study in the State of Andhra Pradesh

The Demand of Employable Soft Skills for the IT Industry: An Empirical Study in the State of Andhra Pradesh

Yadamala Sreenivasulu, Akhil Kumar Jha
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3464-9.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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The present empirical research has been carried out in response to the e-mails received from reputed IT industry HR personnel with regard to the behaviour and soft skills issues of the newly recruited students from the working institution of the author. The present research aimed to identify the employable soft skills through survey questionnaire which again gives the opportunity to know the gaps between the soft skills taught in various engineering institutions of Andhra Pradesh and skills required for the IT jobs. Further, a structured questionnaire was administered to HR personnel of select reputed IT companies who take part in campus drives. The data has been statistically analyzed based on which the viable suggestions are provided to the engineering institutions to train students in soft skills for better employability prospects in IT Industry.
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It Industry And Soft Skills

Soft Skills, a life and blood of present-day corporate industry, has become the major pre-requisite for effective and smooth management. Since IT sector has become a place for global, effective and corporate communication, one of the major components of soft skills is not only enabling the interpersonal skill at workplace but also route the flow of information among employees in various levels of organizational activities. With the help of IT revolution and socio-economic developments in the current scenario, the need and significance of communication skills has been increased than ever before (Padhi, 2014). Besides having sound technical knowledge and good communication skills, the present workplaces require skills such as team playing, problem solving, adopting appropriate business etiquette, understanding one’s own emotions and those of others. They decide how quickly and fast you reach the target and succeed in professional career.

However, despite realizing the significance of soft skills, the IT companies are not so happy with the equipped soft skills of Indian graduates. (Padaki, 2015). The inadequacies of such are partly lay with students themselves and partly the institutions from which they are trained. This scenario is making the IT industry to confront with practical challenges in employing the young graduates who, despite having good technical skills, are not well proficient in English communication skills at workplace. As per the NASSCOM’s perspective 2020 study, the industry has already been facing the shortage of employable talent. The multinational corporations (MNC) are investing 12-16 weeks to train the young graduates in both technical and soft skills to bridge the employability gap.

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