The FUPOL Policy Lifecycle

The FUPOL Policy Lifecycle

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8358-7.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of this chapter is to outline an advanced policy lifecycle, the FUPOL model with its ability to link technical features in the area of policy modeling. The FUPOL Policy Lifecycle is based on 6 stages, which are further divided into 8 main tasks. These main tasks are split up into 19 subtasks to provide a very detailed policy lifecycle structure. The detailed breakdown allows one to link each task to various technical features, such as opinion maps, policy indicator dashboard, knowledge database, and simulation and visualization tools. The chapter further argues that the methodology applied is future proof and has the potential of accommodating new technologies in the future.
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Before discussing the policy lifecycle it has to be specified what is a policy in this specific context. In the context of public policy a policy is understood as a course of action, authorized by the government, to achieve predefined specific goals. Such a course of action may take many forms. It could, for example, be expressed in the form of a strategy, a program, a law or a statement made by an executive authority. (Hewlett, Ramesh and Perl, 2009)

Policies are not created in a vacuum. Many people affected by these policies have an interest in determining the content of that policy. Policies can also be seen as processes. They change as they are implemented and rarely conform to plan. Policies can have intended and unintended outcomes.

Furthermore it is well known that public policy is a very complex task comprising many decisions influenced by citizens, politicians and companies on a national and on an international basis.

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