The Future of National and International Security on the Internet

The Future of National and International Security on the Internet

Maurice Dawson, Marwan Omar, Jonathan Abramson, Dustin Bessette
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8897-9.ch081
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Hyperconnectivity is a growing trend that is driving cyber security experts to develop new security architectures for multiple platforms such as mobile devices, laptops, and even wearable displays. The futures of national and international security rely on complex countermeasures to ensure that a proper security posture is maintained during this state of hyperconnectivity. To protect these systems from exploitation of vulnerabilities it is essential to understand current and future threats to include the laws that drive their need to be secured. Examined within this chapter are the potential security-related threats with the use of social media, mobile devices, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and mixed reality. Further reviewed are some examples of the complex attacks that could interrupt human-robot interaction, children-computer interaction, mobile computing, social networks, and human-centered issues in security design.
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Laws And Policies To Combat Terrorism

The events of 9/ll not only changed policies with the U.S. but also policies with other countries in how they treat and combat terrorism. The United Nations (U.N.) altered Article 51 of the U.N. charter. This article allows members of the U.N. to take necessary measures to protect themselves against an armed attack to ensure international peace and security.

Israel is a country with some of the most stringent policies towards national and international security. This country requires all citizens to serve in the military to include multiple checkpoints throughout the country. This country has utilized stringent checks in the airport long before 9/11, however, now they have additional measures to ensure the nation's security as they are surrounded by countries that have tried to invade before. Israel has also deployed more Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs), and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) to patrol the border in the event something occurs.

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