The Influences of 4E's Marketing and Service Expectations of 3-Star Smart Hotels: A Focus on Northern Thailand

The Influences of 4E's Marketing and Service Expectations of 3-Star Smart Hotels: A Focus on Northern Thailand

Khwanruethai Krongyut, Nathamon Sangwan, Nakharet Utchaya, Paripan Keawnet
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-8115-1.ch018
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4E's marketing focuses on delivering a good experience to customers. It is a concept developed from 4Ps and 4Cs in response to current purchasing and service decision behavior. The 4E's focus on customer needs and desires, creating memorable experiences, and connecting brands with customers through experiences to foster brand loyalty. This study explores the nexus between 4E's (experience, exchange, everywhere, evangelism) and service expectations of 3-star smart hotels. The data was surveyed by 400 customers of 3-star hotels in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. The influence of variables was analyzed using multiple regression statistics. The study indicates that only the convenience in using the service factor and skills and personality of staff affect the expectation of using 3-star accommodation services. This study reflects that no matter how advanced technology is, impressing customers still requires the service provider's skills and providing amenities for customer convenience.
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