The Possibility of a Sustainable Rural Development by Husbanding Precious Resources

The Possibility of a Sustainable Rural Development by Husbanding Precious Resources

Fariha Bibi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7158-2.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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The present chapter aimed at making out the possibility of sustainable rural development by husbanding precious resources in the rural areas, particularly the rural areas of the Central Karakoram zone in Pakistan. For this purpose, a qualitative research design was manipulated in order to decipher the maximum chance of attaining rural sustainability in these areas through a thorough perusal of various relevant past studies. Hence, the information, gleaned from the archival sources and elucidated hermeneutically, signified a high level of effectiveness of the economical use of natural resources for retaining sufficient and passable degree of sustainability in the rural areas. Consequently, the hermeneutic assertions, made by the researcher of this study, accentuated the inculcation of numerous assorted customary husbandry methods, adopted and employed by the pure traditional rural communities, among the modern rural population of the Central Karakoram zone in Pakistan as well in order to enhance the possibility of arriving at the rural sustainability in these areas. Recognizing the value of certain reliable husbandry practices, the study deemed and estimated a maximum accomplishment of targets set out for attaining sustainable rural development all around the world, particularly in the Central Karakoram zone in Pakistan.
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The concept of sustainable development is a worldwide notion of the outstanding advancement in every social and economic field leading to an ultimate sustenance of human life on planet Earth. In view of that, it is being floated in the rural areas so that to value collaboration, support and mutual aid looked-for the high graph progress of a country (Sachs, 2015; Sachs, 2015). Hence, the research studies, conducted so far, on the sustainable rural development reveal all about its worth for a collective effort being made in order to attain a sky-scrapping level of sustainability. Besides, the very depiction of rural life sketches out the magnificence and importance of its natural resources that not only add to its intrinsic allure but can also let us accomplish our goals for controlling poverty and hunger by promoting wellbeing for all through reliable food supply ensuring tenable agriculture in these areas. Furthermore, the rural resources can be manipulated not only for enhancing agriculture, aquaculture, arboriculture, horticulture, floriculture, forestry, mining but they can also be utilized for establishing many other primary industries, being treasured for an astronomical and high-ranking sustainability (Romero, 2008; Bussiere, 2010).

Sustainable Development in Perspective of Rural Life

The true meaning of sustainability in the context of rural life is perceived through the capability of mountainous areas for their environmental, social and economic maintenance highlighting their concerns and issues, their planning and management involving their farming techniques and yield, levels of biodiversity and the availability of ecosystem services. However, the connotation of sustainability in relation to economy implies the capacity of land use systems to endorse and espouse living and subsistence in mountainous areas while ensuring their adaptation to any economic inflation and seasonal fluctuation making an allowance for the manipulation of modern technology considering demographic changes besides. Along these lines, taken into account a holistic approach to sustainability, its tangibility wraps a concrete form of action and maneuver carried out in the interest of rural population (Fröhlich, Schreinemachers, Stahr & Clemens, 2013).

The modern research emphasizes the value of sustainability through rural resources accounting them as innate assets to the rural life. So, any step taken for the sake of their maintenance, protection and should be appreciable as well as palpable for the attainment of rural sustainable development. In view of that, a genuinely rational and influential governance wants her people to not only value these natural resources but also step forward for their protection so that to ensure her present and future advancement. This is how; the foundation of a long-lasting sustainability is attainable through environmental stability and economic development (Hanlon, 2007; Adoba, 2013).

However, this demarcation of sustainable development insinuates towards the idea of feasible improvement intending to retain and maintain development in the field of economy while securing a long-standing importance of the natural resources; it gives a structure to the whole amalgamation of ecological strategies and advancement policies. Nonetheless, in the earliest of the twentieth century, researchers contended that there should not be any trade-off between the advancement in economy and sustainability in ecology (McManus, 2017; Ullerich, 2017).

Otiman et al. (2014) conclude it judiciously asserting that the concept of sustainable rural development outlines the basics of progress and development in the rural areas; the advancement in economy and diversity in plants, animals and other natural resources in these areas. However, it is a general thought that the foundation of rural areas is demarcated by agriculture, farming and forestation. Despite the fact that almost all agrarian regions have gone through radical changes affecting their ingenuity, and originality, agriculture retains its status as the most important constituent of any rural development. In the meantime, the interest for multifunctional farming is being more visibly conceived than the traditional agriculture.

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