The Practice of Gaining Universal Values Based on Learning Analytics Framework: Universal Values and Learning Analytics

The Practice of Gaining Universal Values Based on Learning Analytics Framework: Universal Values and Learning Analytics

Nedime Karasel Ayda, Zehra Altinay, Fahriye Altinay, Gokmen Dagli, Ebba Ossiannilsson
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7103-3.ch006
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This chapter encapsulates the framework of learning analytics. It is aimed to evaluate leisure activities and practices of students in learning outcomes based on the role of learning analytics framework. Qualitative research method was employed, and action research was conducted through activities to the 33 students. Data was analyzed based on content analysis. Metaphoric understanding and analysis of perceptions on activities were evaluated within the framework of learning analytics. It is seen that students felt the value of practice-based activities, and they become satisfied in their leisure times with different activities. In-service training is essential for teachers to develop the practice of leisure education.
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Education has changed its nature and transformation become crucial. Re-construction of knowledge becomes important and there is a need to foster an engaged learning and collective learning environments based on sharing, practicing and experiences. Therefore, learning process encapsulates the importance of values, feelings while making learning sustainable and ongoing for the life standandards. Information technology, and the use of technology makes learners connected and enriches the meaningful learning (Altınay Altınay, Dagli, Altınay, 2018). Collaboration and coordination to diffuse transformation in educational activities is important. Therefore, agile management in schools for adapting changes and development is essential. In practicing leisure activities in more efficient way, school management and culture is also needed (Tokel at. al, 2019).

In today’s context, learning analytics is important to give directions of learners based on learning environments and management. In this respect, learning analytics is defined as the use of advanced tools in learnin and instruction. It is a level of analyzing for construction educational data mining. The use of online learning environments plays a great role to foster learning analytics. In this respect, it is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and learners’ contexts (Gašević at. al., 2015).

Improving students learning in education is crucial aspects of sustainable quality in the practices. Teachers need to focus on activities and give importance to leisure times to put a balance between cognitive goals with psychomotor and emotional learning goals. To support learning of learners, there is an intensified need to concentrate on universal values to add a value for lifelong learning experiences. In this respect, leisure education is crucial and social learning analytics makes a stance for supporting learning (Shum and Ferguson, 2012). Participatory learning enriches the merits of merging with theory and practice withing the construction of knowledge. Therefore, focusing on the feelings and perceptions of learners while engaging activities create a database on intrinsic motivations and intentions to the learning.

This research was adapted to the learning analytics framework while students have engaged learning activities based on universal values. It is aimed to evaluate leisure activities and practices of students in learning outcomes based on the role of learning analytics framework.

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