The Relationship between Education and Employment and Chaos

The Relationship between Education and Employment and Chaos

Rahman Çakır
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 6
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6070-0.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Chaos theory conjectures can be found in most statistical data. Mentioned obscurities especially become important in consideration of educational data and related subjects. This chapter aims at explaining the relationship between education and employment in terms of chaos. In this context, education and employment data of Turkey and OECD countries of the year 2012 has been used. In employment of women, educational qualification is important and with the raise of educational qualification, the employment ratio is also rising which in turn reduces unemployment rate. Besides this, sensitive connectivity to initial situations, which is one of the important chaos theory conjectures, appears in obtained data. The low level of initial situation of Turkey compared to other OECD countries affects the speed and rate of progress in following years.
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Relationship Between Education, Employment And Chaos

While planning education policies, conceiving changing necessities, and determining deficiency and disparity of skills have become important. On the other hand, the idea of even small differences faced by the system could affect it is a situation that must be considered by educational politicians. As seen in “butterfly effect” of Lorenz, it can be possible to be faced with a structure that can turn into a natural disaster. At this point, we can see that predictions become speculations. During the economic crisis in 2008-2011, unemployment levels increased in almost all OECD countries.

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