The Roles of Personalized Learning and Service Learning in Developing Students' Self-Leadership and Global Citizen Education

The Roles of Personalized Learning and Service Learning in Developing Students' Self-Leadership and Global Citizen Education

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 34
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3641-0.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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This book chapter scrutinizes the relationship between student self-leadership and global citizenship education in higher education using a mixed-methods design. The qualitative phase involves focused-group interviews with students and teachers, using content analysis to identify themes and patterns of the studied concepts. This phase uncovers diverse standpoints and effective instructional methods. The quantitative phase surveys 225 students to measure the direct and indirect effects of personalized learning and service learning on student self-leadership and global citizenship education, employing Hayes' moderation analyses. Findings determine how the student's self-leadership influences their global citizenship development and highlight the critical roles of personalized learning and service learning. Funded by FPT Education in Vietnam, this research provides actionable insights for educators and administrators to cultivate globally aware and responsible citizens through innovative educational practices. This study underscores the importance of integrating self-leadership, personalized learning and service learning to enhance student development and global citizenship.
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