The State of Educator Skills and the Teaching Curricula During and Post COVID-19 in South Africa's Higher Education Sector

The State of Educator Skills and the Teaching Curricula During and Post COVID-19 in South Africa's Higher Education Sector

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9179-9.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter will first discuss the Kurt Lewin change management model to provide some of the change to management processes that the education sector, as well as individuals within this sector, had to experience during this period. Covid-19 experiences in the global arena will be looked at and various practices drawn from dynamic and versatile countries around the globe. Further, the effect of Covid-19 on Africa's education system will be discussed with specific reference to the case study of Ethiopia. The South African higher education context, the state of skills and resource provision will also be discussed and lastly, the envisioned future of South Africa.
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Kurt Lewin Change Management Model

Covid-19 caught higher education institutions off-guard, and universities had to scramble for solution (Maphalala, Khumalo & Khumalo, 2021). This is a typical example of unplanned change. Kurt Lewin is considered as the founding father of the change management model which is about unfreezing, moving, and refreezing for managing change in various situations (Cummings, Bridgman & Brown, 2016). The three steps are discussed in detail below:


This is based on a quasi-stationary equilibrium which is supported by several forces. There must be the discarding of old behaviour before learning the new behaviour (Cummings, Bridgman & Brown, 2016). In terms of Siegal et al. (1996), the unfreezing is relating to the traditional model of learning that has been dismantled and this makes it difficult to return to this traditional method of learning, so the online teaching mode became a necessity that made the organisations as well as the individuals into an unfreeze mode. This has provided an opportunity for motivation and for readiness among the system stakeholders.

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