The Transculturalized Diversity and Inclusion Model: A New Paradigm for Leadership

The Transculturalized Diversity and Inclusion Model: A New Paradigm for Leadership

Charlotte L. V. Thoms, Sharon L. Burton
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9531-1.ch024
(Individual Chapters)
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While the transculturalized diversity and inclusion (TD&I) model is a contemporaneous strategy for leadership and learning, it is the latest of the existing disability study models. This chapter reviews the development of the TD&I model from the leadership perspective to study arguments, experiences, and to investigate how this information apprises the construction and exercise of transcultural consciousness, expertise, know-how, traditions, determinations, happenstances, objectives, agreement, and learning. This exploration focuses on the implementation of the model and survey results as this transculturalized model is reasoned the appropriate tool to expose how different backgrounds can be utilized in achievement to blend variability, variation, and diversity into unity. Beginning with the initial conceptual frameworks, and the results of the data, this research details the TD&I model and how to implement it in today's environment of activating change and transformation. This information adds to the body of knowledge regarding disability, strategy, diversity, and inclusion for academics, practitioners, and learners.
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Delimitations Of This Article

Delimitations refer to marking deliberate limits or borderlines to form boundaries (Brown Jackson, 2016). The boundaries set for this article include information directly related to the TD&I model, not the medical model of disability or the social model of disability. Plenty of data exist on the medical model of disability (Barnes & Mercer, 2005; Brisenden, 1986; Dunay, Engle, 2012; Sharma, Illés, 2016; Gallagher, 2009; Jaeger & Bowman, 2005; Symeonidou, 2009; Thoms & Burton, 2015), as well as the social model of disability (Danforth, 2008; Connor, Gabel, Gallagher, & Morton, 2008; Finkelstein, 2001; Lang, 2001; Parmenter, 2011; Shakespeare & Watson, 2002; Smart, 2009; Thoms & Burton, 2015; World Health Organization & The World Bank, 2011). The medical and social models were explained by this research team (Thoms & Burton, 2015; Thoms & Burton, 2018) and it would be redundant to recapture such information in this article.

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