Thermo-Economic Investigation of the Hybrid Wind Supercharging Solar Chimney Power Generation System

Thermo-Economic Investigation of the Hybrid Wind Supercharging Solar Chimney Power Generation System

Sarthak Mamgain, Saurav Das, Meeta Sharma, Anoop Kumar Shukla
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 34
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2798-2.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Solar chimney power plant (SCPP), a new technology that generates electricity from the direct incident solar radiations from the sun. It consists of three fundamental parts: turbine, vertical chimney of decent height and a collector made up of glass panes to absorb the radiations from the sun. In this study, the proposed SCPP has two new additions, wind super charging device, and flue gas recovery system. Proposed work provides economical and technical viability of wind super charging solar chimney power plant (WSCPP) in 27.0238° N,74.2179°E, Western Rajasthan, India. A thermos-economic model has been proposed, and the weather and wind conditions data have been treated on a yearly basis. The electricity production estimation and sensitivity analysis on various input and output parameters have been done. The proposed system will be capable of producing 511937.88 kWh of electricity annually. The levelized electricity cost of the proposed WSCPP is Rs 2.53 kWh, in line with other power producing technologies in India.
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