Too Much of My Rhythm Causing Them So Much Blues

Too Much of My Rhythm Causing Them So Much Blues

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0698-7.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter, the author examines the manifestations of workplace discrimination in educational settings and other industries where Black women hold leadership positions. This analysis includes an exploration of equity vs. equality, psychological safety, and the concept of diversity dishonesty, among other relevant topics. The discussion is supported by various research methodologies, including focus groups and auto-ethnography. The chapter aims to raise awareness of these discriminatory practices and their persistent impact on Black women's professional advancement which ties directly with this book, Sharing the Legacy and Narrative Leadership Experiences of Black Women in Education. It highlights the psychological burden Black women often bear as they navigate the complexities of workplace presentation and behavior to avoid conflict, jeopardizing career progression or facing wrongful termination. The author contends that confronting these discriminatory environments directly is essential for mitigating their detrimental effects on Black women's professional experiences.
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