Towards Checking Tampering of Software

Towards Checking Tampering of Software

N.V.Narendra Kumar, Harshit Shah, R.K. Shyamasundar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-123-2.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Assuring integrity of software is a very challenging issue. Different manifestations of tampering exist such as intentional attack with the aim of harming the user (through some kind of a malware; Baker, 1995) or the user himself tampers with the software to gain features he is not authorized with (Baxter, Yahin, Moura, Sant’Anna, & Bier, 1998). In this chapter, the authors make a survey of various strategies used to assure the integrity of software such as trusted computing platform, software attestation, software similarity, software watermark, software birthmark etc. Subsequently, the authors present a novel method for malware detection from a semantic approach that can be adapted for checking the integrity of software. They shall discuss some of the initial experimental results in this direction.
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2 Techniques For Detecting Software Tampering

In this section we survey some techniques proposed in the literature for detecting tampering of software. We classify them into three categories:

  • Techniques based on trusted computing platform

  • Software based techniques for attestation

  • Techniques based on program similarity measures

In the following subsections we describe each of the above in detail.

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