Towards Green Chemistry Quantum Computing Applications in Chemical Synthesis

Towards Green Chemistry Quantum Computing Applications in Chemical Synthesis

N. Srivani, Vinay Chandra A., Kola Ramesh, Y. B. Kishore Kumar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4001-1.ch025
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In the trouble to achieve chemical emulsion that's both sustainable and kind to the terrain, the objectification of quantum computing has a major pledge. In this work, the lately arising content of green chemistry is delved, with a particular emphasis placed on the operations of volume computing in chemical mixing. Quantum calculating provides an unknown position of computational capacity, with the capability to bluffing molecular structures and responses with an unfathomable position of slyness and effectiveness. researchers can make new chemical pathways, optimize response circumstances The purpose of this work is to present a review of current advancements in quantum computing applied to chemical emulsion and to examine the implicit implications for manufacturing processes that are more environmentally friendly and sustainable. This will be fulfilled through the community of volume computing and the generalities of green chemistry.
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The convergence of Quantum computing and green chemistry has garnered a significant Quantum of attention over the course of the past few years. A great number of studies have been carried out to explore the implicit operations and counteraccusations of Quantum computing in connection to chemical conflation and environmental sustainability. To provide an overview of the existing literature on this subject, the objective of this part is to concentrate on the most significant results and discoveries that have been beneficial as a result of inquiry. A significant area of research that is now being studied is the application of quantity computing for the aim of molecular simulation and property vaticination K. Brown and B. Lee(2017). This is an exceptionally interesting topic of exploration. In doing so, it shows that quantity algorithms can directly predict molecule structures, powers, and gamuts, bypassing the limitations that are associated with classic computational approaches Q. Chen et al.(2016). The simulation of chemical reactions and accouterments packets has grown more effective and accurate as a result of these breakthroughs. This has made it simpler to build motes and processes that are safe for the environment so that they may be implemented Y. Kim and H. Park(2015).

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