Transdisciplinary Theories and Models for Understanding Learning Outcomes in Higher Education

Transdisciplinary Theories and Models for Understanding Learning Outcomes in Higher Education

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3699-1.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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In order to define and accomplish learning outcomes in higher education, this study investigates the idea of transdisciplinary learning and its consequences. It explores how transdisciplinary techniques might improve students critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities by drawing on theoretical frameworks and practical data. It also discusses challenges and opportunities associated with implementing transdisciplinary approaches in higher education, including issues related to curriculum design, assessment methods, and institutional support structures. It highlights examples of successful transdisciplinary initiatives from various educational. This proposed book chapter seeks to explore the significance of transdisciplinary approaches in shaping learning outcomes in higher education settings. By offering insights into the theoretical foundations and practical implications of transdisciplinary approaches to learning outcomes, it aims to contribute ongoing discussions and debates surrounding curriculum development and educational innovation in higher education.
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