Trends in Educational Leadership Training in the New Normal

Trends in Educational Leadership Training in the New Normal

Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Claudia Mirla Padilla Cruz
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0094-7.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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The objective of the chapter is to characterize the trends in the training of educational leadership in order to promote quality educational management in institutions. The relevance of leadership continues as it continues to be considered one of the factors that influences school improvement. In the new normal, leadership is characterized by promoting change management by continuously incorporating the use of digital tools so that they are the means that promote the comprehensive training of the student. Thus, the existence of leadership practices based on three categories is required: cognitive resources, social resources, and psychological resources. The conclusion is to promote leadership training at the postgraduate level due to the strategic function it has in the generation of human talent.
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Educational leadership has become internationally a key factor of change in the process of continuous improvement of educational organizations, which has allowed it to position itself as a priority in its training for new contexts, both those related to sustainable development objectives. and the 2030 agenda of the United Nations (OEI, 2019) as well as those generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The appearance of the coronavirus has considerably impacted the educational sector, where members of the educational community faced various challenges to adapt to a system mediated by information and communication technologies (ICT) that would allow the student's academic training to continue through virtual environments (Viñas, 2021). This scenario substantially altered the dynamics of educational institutions by experiencing an environment of uncertainty that changed the various academic and administrative processes and even infrastructure (Cabrera, 2020).

Based on the above, educational management in organizations underwent a radical change, transforming both the functions and responsibilities of educational agents (del Arco et al., 2021). Proof of this was that the institutional planning formulated by each educational center was completely modified when the virtual modality was incorporated, which implied radical modifications in management actions for the moment of health crisis that was being experienced worldwide in order to continue with the academic training of the students (Díez et al., 2020).

Given this context, an important challenge is the training of human talent capable of living in a world of uncertainty to promote the transformation of the rigid and centralized operating strategies of institutions, which is why new methodological approaches are required for the development of management competencies that allow sustainable organizational development in the new normal (Chehaibar, 2020).

Thus, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are oriented towards preparing students to make informed decisions to address the complex problems that arise in various organizations (Andenoro et al., 2017). In this way, the postgraduate program maintains in the 21st century the priority function of the formation of high-level human capital oriented towards excellent performance in the organizations in which it works.

The objective of the chapter is to characterize the trends in educational leadership training in the new normal to promote educational quality in institutions that provide hybrid education.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Educational Leadership: Process of influencing a leader to achieve organizational objectives to improve student learning, institutional development, and the growth of its members.

Postgraduate: Maximum level of studies oriented towards the professionalization of human capital. It is divided into specialization, master's degree and doctorate.

Educational Leadership Practices: Set of activities carried out by the educational leader with the purpose of mobilizing the resources of the institution to achieve institutional goals and objectives.

Hybrid Education: Combined model of physical and virtual presence in order to provide quality educational service through digital tools and platforms.

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