Ubiquitous Computing Applications in Education

Ubiquitous Computing Applications in Education

Kostas Kolomvatsos
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-991-9.ch095
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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With the development of technology, new roads have been opened in education. An interesting idea is to use computers in teaching and learning procedure. Students will have the opportunity to gain access to information resources in a timeless and limitless way. Teachers will be able to transform their classes in a student-centered environment, avoiding the drawbacks of the traditional teacher-centered model. In this direction, ubiquitous computing has significant advantages. Ubiquitous means that computational devices are distributed into the physical world, giving us boundless access to communication and information channels. Now, knowledge can be built based on collaboration, communication, experimentation, and on students’ experiences. Research has shown positive impacts on learning. This chapter deals with issues directly connected to ubiquitous computing, such as its features, types of devices used, and pedagogical goals. The advantages and disadvantages of ubiquitous environments are fully examined and some initiatives are referred.

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