Unhappy at Work: The Era of the Dis-Employee

Unhappy at Work: The Era of the Dis-Employee

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9172-0.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter analyzes unhappiness at work in an era in which employees across the globe are publicly demonstrating they are not content with their positions, their leaders and managers, the type of job they perform, or certain work-dependent conditions. The main ideas that explain why employees are not finding joy and happiness at work are described. Job unhappiness is the most common term that is used to describe the phenomenon in which people start rethinking their jobs. Through a literature review, different perspectives about unhappiness at work were collected to present a general overview of what this phenomenon means and the characteristics of employees who are no longer engaged in their jobs.
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The method selected was the literature review, including classical theories of motivation and engagement at work, as well as up-to-date newscasts and managerial publications about current talent-driven movements in the workplace. The chapter presents a collection of characterizations to better understand unhappiness at work, as well as specific behaviors of unhappy employees.

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