Urban Energy Efficiency Assessment Using Stochastic and Deterministic Data Analysis: A Proposed Sustainable Urban Energy Assessment

Urban Energy Efficiency Assessment Using Stochastic and Deterministic Data Analysis: A Proposed Sustainable Urban Energy Assessment

Zühre Aydın Yenioğlu, Züleyha Sara Belge
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5113-7.ch013
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The present study puts forward an approach that aids in the achievement of significant technical urban energy efficiency results and that identifies the coherence of different frontier methods through a case study. The aim of the study is to show the effects and results of deterministic and stochastic approaches in urban energy efficiency measurement and to evaluate how data envelopment analysis (DEA), stochastic data envelopment analysis (SDEA), and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) can be used to derive measures of efficiency and productivity change over time in complex multi‐output multi‐input contexts. With stochastic models, the authors aim to decrease the effect of extreme values on the efficiency frontier. It was found that nonparametric methods are sensitive to measurement error, while stochastic models have a more flexible frontier than deterministic models. This is the first study to put forward a novel approach to the measurement of urban energy efficiency of Turkey's metropolitans involving both deterministic and stochastic methods.
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In recent years, increased energy consumption has led to social, economic and environmental problems that are detrimental to healthy urban sustainability, and that prevent the development of appropriate urban energy policies. The accurate measurement of urban energy consumption is vital if metropolitan areas want to achieve sustainable urban energy development and energy efficiency. Urban energy efficiency necessitates the use of less energy for the production of similar outputs, and the sustainment of a healthy urban life. Daily urban life activities and economic factors are both influential n the energy consumption of those living in metropolitan areas (CCICED, 2009).

Urban energy efficiency data is usually incomplete and imprecise, as previous studies that make use of classical approaches provide only limited insight into the randomness and complexity of urban energy efficiency data. In neglecting to make use of stochastic techniques in their measurement of the noise and uncertainty in data sets, it is necessary to include probability theory in their measurement techniques.

Energy policy makers should identify and implement more robust approaches to energy efficiency that include factors that are sensitive to the daily variations associated with energy investment, energy demand, data availability, local circumstances and any other local policy options. The frequent use of uncertain and poor quality data in policy making and planning have compelled researchers to make use of stochastic techniques in the study of urban energy efficiency (Keirstead, et al., 2012).

Benchmarking the efficiency of urban energy use within electricity consumption is thus an important area of study in the energy field. Among the parametric and nonparametric approaches to benchmarking, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method has emerged as the leading methodology for the benchmarking of the efficiency of various systems, being based on multiple factors, and has entered into widespread use for the calculation of the efficiency of the related decision-making units (DMUs) (Azadeh et al., 2015).

Since urban energy consumption is a leading factor in industrial development, increasing energy efficiency in the urban field is essential for urban sustainability. Accordingly, the present study makes use of stochastic approaches in its assessment of Turkey’s 30 largest metropolitan areas, as decision making units (DMUs), over the 2018–2019 period in an evaluation of urban energy efficiency. The main purpose of the present study is to carry out a deterministic and stochastic measurement of the urban energy efficiency of these cities based on six indicators, being total invoiced consumption (MWh), total installed power (MW), line length (Km), population and GDP per capita as inputs, and total generation (MWh) as the sole output.

For the purpose of the study, all indicators were determined as random in the stochastic models, and are frequently applied to the performance benchmarking of energy efficiency in literature (Jamasb et al., 2001). The present study extended input oriented deterministic and stochastic CCR DEA and two SFA models to consider the stochastic variations in the data and in the efficiency score of each DMU. It was found in the study that uncertainty in the data leads to fluctuations in the efficiency analysis results, which hinders the establishment of actual and consistent energy policies. These results suggest a need to place more importance in the error scores when measuring stochastic efficiency. The identified technical efficiencies of cities differ when measured using deterministic or stochastic methods. While in the deterministic DEA approach there is no consideration of randomness in the data, the Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis (SDEA) and SFA method allowed for the calculation of the noise in the data. These approaches can be referred to as parametric and nonparametric methods.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Urban Energy Efficiency: The balance of electricity demand, generation and consumption and less environmental pollution.

Parametric Model: The statistical model accepting that the data comply with the random distribution principle and makes inferences according to the probability distribution parameters.

Stochastic Frontier Analysis: A parametric method used to measure the effectiveness of decision-making units.

Efficiency: A performance dimension determining the degree of achievement of the objectives as a result of the activities.

Data Analysis: The process that collects raw data and turns it into meaningful and useful information using statistical methods.

Data Envelope Analysis: A non-parametric method used in operations research and economics for estimating production limits.

Non-Parametric Model: The tests used for data series that are not suitable for normal distribution in statistics.

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