Use of Information Resources Among the Civil Service Exam Aspirants With Special Reference to Tamil Nadu, India

Use of Information Resources Among the Civil Service Exam Aspirants With Special Reference to Tamil Nadu, India

Kalyani K. S., S. Thanuskodi
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7125-4.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The Indian Civil Service serves as the backbone of India and carries great respect and responsibilities. The best brains of the country vie for entry into the Indian Civil Services as officers. The civil servants are thrust responsibility of managing the economic, natural, and human resources of the country. They constitute of individuals from different walks of life and different educational and social backgrounds who exhibit the qualities of integrity, vision, and commitment to the nation. The varied background of individuals creates a perfect amalgamation mirroring the Indian social reality giving it a holistic perspective. The results of the study revealed that the respondents have reasonable information awareness and skills to locate and retrieve information resources.
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The review of literature is so much required as it guides the researcher in the correct path of his journey. To say in simple words, it is a stepping stone for the process of research. It helps the researcher to identify his strength and weakness in the journey of research. Review of literature in any study is not a cup of tea; it requires scholarly maturity. Good review of literature is a sign of professional maturity; it shows one’s grasp of the field, one’s methodological sophistication in critiquing others’ research, and the breadth and depth of one’s reading (Krathwohl, 1988). The main purpose of review of literature would be to avoid duplication of research. It serves as an alert to researcher whether any study of the same theme had been done earlier or not. So, enough time had been allocated by the researcher about the related studies of utilisation of information sources at various components. A good literature review drives the researcher in the right path providing comprehensive understanding about the study.

Deretchin,Yeoman, and Seidel (1998) had conducted a study on student information resource utilization in problem-based learning among 116 medical students over a six-month period to examine the profile of medical medical students’ resource use in a longitudinal problem-based learning course and to examine patterns of change. The resources were categorized as as printed, electronic, human, or physical evidence (i.e., models, demonstrations). It was found out that usage of human resources had increased significantly, and the rest of other information resources had declined. It was stated that heavy use of electronic resources, particularly the World Wide Web supported speculation.

Frishammar (2003) had employed a case study about information usage and its impact in strategic decision making. Personal interviews and documentation were used for data collection following limited non-probability sampling method. The study provided an insight into management information behavior when taking strategic decisions.

Peterson ((2004) studied about the use of information resources among medical students at Carver College of Medicine. The study had identified that digital information resources bridges information gap between needs and delivery of medical knowledge. It was found that medical students found computer-based information resources as more convenient when compared to traditional resources. There found to be a medical culture shift from paper to electronic resources.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Information: Information is any entity or form that resolves uncertainty or provides the answer to a question of some kind. It is thus related to data and knowledge, as data represents values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of real things or abstract concepts.

E-Resources: E-resources is a digital media firm with a singular focus: to provide our clients with a dedicated partner that advances their mission with web-based solutions.

Information Resources: Information resources are defined as the data and information used by an organization. Examples of information resources are databases with customer purchase information.

Civil Services: The civil services refer to the civil services, the permanent executive branch of the Republic of India. The civil service system is the backbone of the administrative machinery of the country.

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