User Behavioral Intention Toward Using Mobile Healthcare System

User Behavioral Intention Toward Using Mobile Healthcare System

Pantea Keikhosrokiani, Norlia Mustaffa, Nasriah Zakaria, Ahmad Suhaimi Baharudin
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6198-9.ch022
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This chapter introduces Mobile Healthcare Systems (MHS) and employs some theories to explore the behavioral intention of Smartphone users in Penang, Malaysia to use MHS. A survey was conducted in the form of questionnaire to Smartphone users in Penang, Malaysia for the duration of three weeks starting in September 2013. A total number of 123 valid surveys out of 150 were returned, which is equivalent to a response rate of 82%. The authors use Partial Least Squares (PLS) for analyzing the proposed measurement model. The factors that are tested are self-efficacy, anxiety, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, attitude, and behavioral intention to use. The results indicate which factors have a significant effect on Smartphone users' behavioral intention and which factors are not significant. The results assist in assessing whether MHS is highly demanded by users or not, and will assist in development of the system in the future.
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Literature Review

This section discusses briefly the literature review approach and background of the study. In the background section, theoretical bases along with development of appropriate hypothesis will be mentioned. Based on the previous researches, research framework for this study is designed which includes formulating conceptual model, research hypotheses, and methodology.

Several literature reviews cover the usage of mobile technologies in healthcare. Moreover, many researchers have studied acceptance of mobile technology in healthcare or user behavioral intention to use of new technologies in healthcare. However, those studies have been conducted with different aims, and it is not easy to compare their results. In order to find important factors of user acceptance or user behavioral intention to use of mobile technology in healthcare, we have done a systematic literature search in several databases such as MEDLINE, PubMed, ScienceDirect, SpringerLINK, IEEE Xplore and so on. We searched using the terms “mobile healthcare system”, “acceptance of mobile technology in healthcare”, “behavioral intention to use of mobile device in healthcare.” In the next step, we have combined the search results and shortlisted the most recent and relevant papers with the aim to evaluate user behavioral intention to use of mobile device in healthcare.

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