User Intention of Sharing Video Clips on Web 2.0 Social Network Websites

User Intention of Sharing Video Clips on Web 2.0 Social Network Websites

Eldon Y. Li, Shu-Hsun Chang
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4026-9.ch008
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As the advance of Internet technology continues, various applications, services, and business models are emerging in the market. The online video sharing website is the hottest application nowadays; thus it is important to understand the key factors influencing user’s behavior on these websites. In this chapter, the authors propose a conceptual model which is based on the integrated model of user satisfaction and technology acceptance developed by Wixom and Todd (2005). To comprehend the user’s behavior intention toward using the website, the authors also add the potential factors about community which influence user’s behavior on video sharing websites. The results indicate that community satisfaction, content satisfaction, and system satisfaction all have significant positive impact on usefulness and ease of use, and that community satisfaction has a much higher impact than the other two types of satisfaction. This finding reveals an important attribute of video sharing websites, namely, the users of the website care most about the entire website community. Indeed, reliable system operations and useful, interactive content are two factors influencing the community satisfaction. For designers who want to set up a video sharing website, this research provides more comprehensive information on how to invest the limited resources on the critical variables in order to maximize the service value.
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Since the advent of Internet technology, various applications, services, and business models have been introduced. Tim O’Reilly (2004) and Paul Graham (2005) introduced the concept of Web 2.0 to describe this kind of phenomenon, showing that Internet service has entered a new era. Among different services related to Web 2.0, video sharing is the most important application nowadays. According to (2012), there are 72 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute and over 3 billion hours of video are watched each month on its website. The company website boasts over 800 million unique users visiting YouTube each month and there were more than 1 trillion views in 2011.

Despite the intensive competition across different websites, web-based video sharing is still emerging and developing. There are no fixed rules in terms of website design, video content and marketing methods. Given that, this research attempts to understand Web 2.0 online video sharing websites and the behavioral intentions of users to discover the principles for designing Web 2.0 websites as well as factors affecting user behaviors. Based on the above motives, there are two research objectives of this study:

  • 1.

    To identify the key factors that might influence the quality of Web 2.0 video sharing websites. Each website, with its different market share in the Web 2.0 video sharing market, provides particular services and value to its users. However, there are also some common factors for these websites such as system stability and content richness. This study attempts to find out key factors that influence the quality of various video sharing websites.

  • 2.

    To understand the user attitude and intention to use Web 2.0 video sharing websites. Each of the numerous users of Web 2.0 websites has his or her individual attitude and reasons to accept the video sharing websites. There are likely some common factors affecting the user’s acceptance and intentions toward video sharing websites. This study expects to find out the factors that influence users’ attitudes and behavioral intentions regarding using Web 2.0 video sharing websites.

Different from the website environment of Web 1.0, the user environment of Web 2.0 enhances the user intention to browse websites according to its key features. Therefore, this study adopts the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and proposes a holistic integrated model combining the original TAM with website quality and satisfaction. Also, related concepts of Web 2.0 were added to the research model to further understand behavioral intention of Web 2.0 users. Furthermore, for video sharing website owners, this study provides the principles for investing limited resources on critical variables to maximize service value.

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