Trust plays an important role in human-computer interaction. It helps people overcome risk and uncertainty during the usage of a digital computing system. With the rapid growth of computer, communication, and networking technology, human-computer trust has been paid attention to, especially for human and mobile device interaction. This chapter investigates the factors that influence the trust in human-computer interaction (i.e., the construct of Human-Computer Trust Interaction [HCTI]). Based on a literature survey, a research model of human-computer trust interaction is explored. This model contains three root constructs: interaction intention, computer system trust, and communication trust. They are further delineated into 15 sub-constructs. Based on this model, the authors propose a number of instructions to improve user trust for human-computer interaction.
Top2. System Trust Solutions
In this section, we survey the work in the literature about system trust solutions. Trust in human-computer interaction can be enhanced by a number of technologies: a) user interface (UI) design for trust; b) trust information notification and visualization; c) trust management for computer systems and computer communications.