Using Corporate Social Responsibility as a Public Relations Tool in Reputation Management

Using Corporate Social Responsibility as a Public Relations Tool in Reputation Management

Vera Harludi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6192-7.ch033
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter delves into the subject of corporate social responsibility, its relations, and how it affects corporate reputation. The literature review presents a brief history of CSR and sheds light into the role of business ethics, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, and corporate social performance with a specific focus on companies' approaches towards CSR; motivations for company to invest in CSR; and corporate reputation. While the literature review will wrap up with arguments for and against CSR, this chapter will provide a brief outlook on CSR practices in Turkey.
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These past years, we can see on the media how every company is competing to practise in what is called Corporate Social Responsibility. From the yellow bicycle to no-horn-day, companies in Turkey have come with all sort of ideas of what they believed to be doing goods to the world. Though based on all these practices, it is difficult to come up with what exactly CSR is, what it means, what it embraces and what it does not. Despite all the myths surrounding CSR, it is undeniable that CSR does have an effect on company’s reputation. CSR creates perception that a company is reputable, trustworthy and reputable. A company with good reputation invites stakeholders to invest and at the same time builds what-so-called ‘a reservoir of goodwill’ that will come handy in time of crisis.

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