Visual Tweet: Nature Inspired Visual Statements

Visual Tweet: Nature Inspired Visual Statements

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0942-6.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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“Visual Tweet: nature inspired visual statements” explores connections between science, computing, and art in a similar way as it is done in the previous chapter, “Looking at sciences through the water.” This chapter examines concepts and processes that relate to some fields in physics, biology, computing, and other sciences, and at the same time pertain to the planet’s life and humanity’s everyday experience. This chapter solves the projects visually, through art and/or graphics. Exploration of science-based concepts and nature-related processes support the understanding of the project themes, triggers imagination, and thus inspires enhancements to the ability to communicate with visual language and create artistic work. Comprehension of what is observed, the power of abstract thought, and an answer to evolving issues will result in personal visual projects – drawings, graphics, illustrations, animations, video clips, or web projects. This chapter comprises two projects about science-related themes: (1) Symmetry and pattern in animal world: geometry and art, and (2) Crystals and crystal caves. Each project invites the reader to create visual presentation of this theme.
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