Vortex Effect, Vortex Power: Technology of Vortex Power Engineering

Vortex Effect, Vortex Power: Technology of Vortex Power Engineering

Serebryakov Rudolf, Vladimir Vasilyevich Biryuk, Vyacheslav Volov
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3867-7.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
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One of the non-traditional types of renewable energy is vortex energy, which arises when swirling flows of continuous media (e.g., liquid and gas) are formed and which can be converted into thermal energy, work, and also used to raise the temperature in some systems or to create a pressure gradient. Vortex structures are systematically found in many physical processes. In recent years, new aspects of studying the vortex have been considered. These aspects are associated with physical phenomena, which indicate the occurrence of nonlinear effects in liquid media. Vortex flows of continuous media are one of the most important and complex phenomena in the mechanics of liquids and gases. They are characterized by specific manifestations that are fundamentally different from the axial properties of the motion of the medium, such as the appearance of secondary flows.
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Introduction. Background Of Research On Vortex Phenomena

In an effort to find alternative energy sources that do not harm the environment, many experts pay attention to vortex power engineering. The first brightest scientist who drew the attention of mankind to the need to search for unconventional approaches in energy was Nikola Tesla. In 1892, he expressed the direct message to the search for an alternative environmentally friendly renewable energy. He urged to connect their cars to the very source of energy of the surrounding space. Today, mankind has almost come to realize this very idea.

Many energy processes in nature are unique: they require minimal energy to run. And as a result of the realization or the course of the process itself, colossal energy is produced. It should be especially emphasized that all natural processes, without exception, are subject to the classical laws of thermodynamics, the laws of conservation of energy, physics, chemistry, mechanics.

Ideas of perspective alternative energy must be sought in nature itself. The environment around us is the main source of knowledge of mankind. The earth has an inexhaustible source of low-potential clean energy - an atmosphere that accumulates the thermal and potential energy of gases heated by the radiant energy of the sun and compressed by gravity. Uneven heating of gases, changing the pressure in the atmosphere, violates its equilibrium state. When the equilibrium is restored, the potential and thermal energy of the air is converted into the kinetic energy of the air streams.

Scientists have long paid attention to the fact that only the vortex flows have the largest potential supply of kinetic and thermal energy. At the same time, the energy potential of the vortex flows depends on many factors, including the composition of the gases. Therefore, it is no accident that specialists are increasingly paying attention in the prospective renewable energy sector to vortex power engineering.

Vortex energy technologies are based on the laws of classical thermodynamics and energy conservation. The first direction of development of vortex power engineering is connected with copying the natural process of implosion and transformation of thermal energy with low potential into kinetic energy. The most obvious example of natural implosion are tornadoes. Observing them for hundreds of years, scientists were convinced that tornadoes possess a vast conditionally uncontrolled energy, which is of an electrical nature. And the upper tornado part is charged positively, the lower - Negatively. In fact, a tornado is a huge natural motor-generator. In a tornado with a diameter of more than 800 m, the energy of a large atomic bomb is concentrated. In fact, the tornado process is strictly controlled, therefore, it is possible to use the energy of the process (Polovinkin, 2012).

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