Wearable Technologies for Glucose Monitoring: A Systematic Mapping Study of Publication Trends

Wearable Technologies for Glucose Monitoring: A Systematic Mapping Study of Publication Trends

Gloria Ejehiohen Iyawa, Vijayalakshmi Velusamy, Selvakumar Palanisamy
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9246-4.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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With the increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus, it has become of utmost importance for wearable technologies for glucose monitoring to be introduced in different contexts. While there is a high number of research on noninvasive techniques for glucose monitoring of diabetes mellitus, there is a shortage of studies discussing the publication trend of wearable technologies that support glucose monitoring. The primary purpose of this chapter was to conduct a Systematic Mapping Study of publication trends relating to wearable technologies for glucose monitoring. This study adopted a Systematic Mapping Study approach in identifying relevant papers for analysis. Articles were identified from relevant databases including IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, ScienceDirect and Scopus. A total of 29 papers met the inclusion criteria. The findings of this study are expected to inform health informatics experts and academics on the current research and publication trends in wearable technologies for glucose monitoring.
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Research Methodology

The review method adopted in this paper is the Systematic Mapping Study. Grant and Booth (2009, p. 94) explain that the purpose of a Systematic Mapping Study is to “map out and categorise existing literature from which to commission further reviews and primary research by identifying gaps in research literature”. The above discussion is in line with the scope of this study which is to identify the publication trends of studies on wearable technologies for monitoring diabetes mellitus. Systematic Mapping Study approach has been adopted in a wide range of studies in different fields including enterprise architecture (Banaeianjahromi and Smolander, 2016), software engineering (Barreiros et al., 2011) and education-related research (Dicheva et al., 2015).

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