Web-Based Implementation of the Personalised System of Instruction: A Case Study of Teaching Mathematics in an Online Learning Environment

Web-Based Implementation of the Personalised System of Instruction: A Case Study of Teaching Mathematics in an Online Learning Environment

Willem-Paul Brinkman, Andrew Rae, Yogesh K. Dwivedi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-963-7.ch074
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This article presents a case study of a university discrete mathematics course with over 170 students who had access to an online learning environment (OLE) that included a variety of online tools, such as videos, self-tests, discussion boards, and lecture notes. The course is based on the ideas of the personalised system of instruction (PSI) modified to take advantage of an OLE. Students’ learning is examined over a period of two years, and compared with that in a more traditionally taught part of the course. To examine students’ behaviour, learning strategies, attitudes and performance, both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used in a mixed methodology approach, including in-depth interviews (N = 9), controlled laboratory observations (N = 8), surveys (N = 243), diary studies (N = 10), classroom observations, recording online usage behaviour, and learning assessments. The paper aims to increase understanding of whether PSI, supported by an OLE, could enhance student appreciation and achievement as findings suggest.

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