Web-Based Video for e-Learning: Tapping into the YouTubeTM Phenomenon

Web-Based Video for e-Learning: Tapping into the YouTubeTM Phenomenon

Chareen Snelson
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-963-7.ch117
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The recent explosive growth of Web-based video has expanded the repository of free content that can be tapped into for e-learning. Millions of video clips are now available online and more are uploaded each day. Since thecreation of YouTubeTM in 2005, a video clip phenomenonhas swept the Internet. Never before has it been so easy to locate, record, and distribute video online. This opens intriguing possibilities for teaching, learning, and course design for e-learning. This chapter introduces Web-basedvideo as a new form of educational motion picture, delvesinto technical aspects of Web 2.0 video tools, describes instructional strategies that integrate Web-based videoclips in e-learning, and examines barriers that could potentially inhibit its use. Future directions are also discussed.

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