WebLan-Designer: A Web-Based Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning Wired and Wireless LAN Design

WebLan-Designer: A Web-Based Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning Wired and Wireless LAN Design

Nurul I. Sarkar, Krassie Petrova
Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-735-5.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


It is somewhat difficult to motivate students to learn both wired and wireless local area network design because students find the subject technical, dry when delivered in class, and rather boring. This chapter introduces the case of a Web-based tool for class demonstration as well as modelling LAN design. The background of the case is presented and is followed by a review of some existing tools for network simulation and modelling. After introducing the learning theories and concepts (e.g., experiential learning and constructivism) relevant to the tools’ pedagogical value, the chapter describes the architecture and components of WebLan-Designer. The main benefits of using WebLan-Designer are discussed in the light of educational theories, and their validation is supported by a summary of comments received. The chapter concludes with remarks on the strengths and weaknesses of WebLan-Designer and its future development.

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