Wikis as an Exemplary Model of Open Source Learning

Wikis as an Exemplary Model of Open Source Learning

Robert Fitzgerald
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-991-9.ch092
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In their simplest form, Wikis are Web pages that allow people to collaboratively create and edit documents online. Key principles of simplicity, robustness, and accessibility underlie the wiki publication system. It is the open and free spirit of Wikis fundamental to open source software (OSS) that offers new contexts for learning and knowledge creation with technology. This chapter will briefly consider the role of technology in learning before discussing Wikis and their development. The emerging literature on the application of Wikis to education will be reviewed and discussed. It will be argued that Wikis embody an exemplary model of open source learning that has the potential to transform the use of information communication technologies in education.

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