Women's Safety and Empowerment Using AI Tools

Women's Safety and Empowerment Using AI Tools

Prasanna Lakshmi Gandi, Pushpalata Aher A. Aher, Sneha Chowdhary
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3406-5.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Even as we celebrate women's knowledge today, their true empowerment globally still lags behind. Women continue to face suppression and minority treatment in workplaces, a consequence of gender inequality and narrow mindsets among humans. From physical assaults and domestic abuse to sexual harassment, trafficking, and gender-based crimes, women face a spectrum of threats solely because of their gender. Women are often being objectified, leading to both physical and psychological harm, a disturbing reality that persists in society. Safeguarding women's rights and dignity is an urgent priority that requires immediate attention. Despite the availability of various technologies aimed at women's safety, they lack efficacy and fail to provide timely assistance when needed. This goal is to create AI-driven predictive algorithms with probabilistic models that proactively alert women before potential dangers, ensuring their safety by anticipating and preventing potential harm.
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According to the annual report of the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) India lodged an average of 86 rapes daily and 49 offences per hour against women in 2021 and the latest report has revealed a dramatic surge of 4% in crimes against women (Kalokhe, 2017) (Sardinha,2022). These statistics only capture a fraction of the actual numbers, as these reports solely reflect registered cases whereas the unregistered cases are unaccounted .Rajasthan emerges at the forefront among states for crimes against women, revealing a reality of widespread suppression with a upsetting literacy rate of only 52% for women in the region. This emphasizes the urgent need to address and counteract the prevailing threats faced by women at their peak.

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