ZigBee is a low-rate task group 4 Personal Area Network task group. It is a home networking technology. A technological standard called ZigBee was developed for network sensing and control. Since ZigBee, as of now, is the Personal Area Network of Task Group 4, it was developed by the ZigBee Alliance and is based on IEEE 802.15.4.An easy-to-use architecture for safe, dependable, low-power wireless networks is provided by the open, worldwide, packet-based ZigBee protocol. Equipment for flow or process control can be installed anywhere and yet interface with the system.
Published in Chapter:
A Review of the Technologies Trending Towards 5G Network for IoT-Based Smart Healthcare
Copyright: © 2024
|Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2762-3.ch004
The traditional expert and hospital-focused approach to smart healthcare is quickly changing to a dispersed patient-focused one. Several technical advancements have aided this quick transition in healthcare. 4G and other communication standards are currently employed in the medical field for smart health services and apps. The development of intelligent healthcare services in the future depends on these technologies. A vast amount of data in various formats and sizes is anticipated to be produced by several applications due to the expansion of the healthcare sector. A specific consideration of the end-to-end delay, bandwidth, latency, and other properties is required for such vast and heterogeneous data. Future healthcare applications will demand extremely dynamic and time-sensitive systems, which will be challenging for current communication technology to meet. As a result, 5G networks are being created and tailored to address the various communication requirements of internet of things (IoT) applications related to health.