A pattern of interest to business needs satisfies business performance requests from aspects such as social, economic and psychoanalytic concerns.
Published in Chapter:
Actionable Knowledge Discovery
Longbing Cao (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Copyright: © 2009
|Pages: 6
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-026-4.ch002
Actionable knowledge discovery is selected as one of the greatest challenges (Ankerst, 2002; Fayyad, Shapiro, & Uthurusamy, 2003) of next-generation knowledge discovery in database (KDD) studies (Han & Kamber, 2006). In the existing data mining, often mined patterns are nonactionable to real user needs. To enhance knowledge actionability, domain-related social intelligence is substantially essential (Cao et al., 2006b). The involvement of domain-related social intelligence into data mining leads to domaindriven data mining (Cao & Zhang, 2006a, 2007a), which complements traditional data-centered mining methodology. Domain-related social intelligence consists of intelligence of human, domain, environment, society and cyberspace, which complements data intelligence. The extension of KDD toward domain-driven data mining involves many challenging but promising research and development issues in KDD. Studies in regard to these issues may promote the paradigm shift of KDD from data-centered interesting pattern mining to domain-driven actionable knowledge discovery, and the deployment shift from simulated data set-based to real-life data and business environment-oriented as widely predicted.